Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lake Tahoe

This morning we woke up at a fairly decent time and decided to take a quick bath in the river before we left. Joli was very excited when Joe told her she was going to have a mountain bath. She didn't really realize what a mountain bath was though.
Needless to say, Joli didn't NOT like her mountain bath.
After I finished bathing myself we set off to continue through Yosemite and on to Lake Tahoe. There were several beautiful stops along the way. This one was a lookout point.
I had a great time climbing on the rocks in my barefeet until Joe started worrying that I would fall off.
As we continued on we came across a wonderful meadow. I told Joe I wanted to run and frolic with my puppy so he stopped for me. Brody and I had a great time! I picked wildflowers while Brody chased butterflies. It was a lot of fun!
Our drive to Lake Tahoe took us up a mountain that overlooked the whole valley. I could see for miles and miles and the picture didn't even do it justice!
Since I didn' thave much else to do I decided to take some pictures of the wildflowers that I picked in the meadow. Aren't they so pretty!?!
Here is my first glimpes of the lake. It's so huge!
This is pretty much what the lake looked like frome the parking lot of our campground.
There were a bunch of stumps throughout the campsite and I told Joli they were nature's playground. It took her a few minutes to believe me, but then she began jumping off them.
Joli was a little bored just hanging around the campsite so while in town I bought her a little horse playset. She thought it was the greatest thing ever.
Joe and I had a great time relaxing, finally!
Joli was dirty most of the time. It was absolutely pointless trying to keep her clean. She just dug in the dirt again.
The face was the dirtiest. No matter how many times I cleaned it, it would just be dirty again. Eventually I just gave up.
We had a nice time curling up together in Joe's chair. Joli always has to been involved in the action.
Brody wasn't quite sure why he had to be tied up but after awhil he got used to it. Camping is exhausting for a little puppy.
Another wonderful day of camping!

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