Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Blast!

We started out our day with hours on the beach with tons of friends! It was so much fun, and even though there were a bunch of other people with the same idea, it was still a great time! Joli loved the food! The thing that she is literally shoving into her mouth is called a brownie burger. It is a brownie in the middle of a cupcake with red and green frosting! Can we say sugar overload?!?!
We found our spot at about 11:00am and our friends just continued filtering in throughout the day. Some of our friends that showed up later came with lots of cool things for Joli to play with.
Here's our friend Little Bear who Joli just LOVES! Everytime he would go do something else she would start asking where he went and have to go find him.
Little Bear and Robyn also brought necklaces from earlier in the day and what girl could pass that up!?!
After about six hours on the beach we went home for a short nap and a shower and then headed over to Shane and Abby's house. They live right over the bay and have a beautiful view of the fireworks. I had to wear my fireworks shirt, even though Joe made fun of me.
But I wasn't the only one who dressed up. Chris, Kacie and Charlotte were all wearing red, white, and blue!
The kids were feeling pretty good after their naps and just loved running around together. I think they were singing "Ring around the Rosie", at least I hope!
Syrus has a great big race car bed that is perfect for jumping and of course Joli had to show him!
"Okay Syrus, I'm going to throw the baby and then we're going to jump, okay? One, two, three, ready..."
"We're just hanging out, don't mind us."
Shortly after the jumping ended the fireworks started and we had and excellent view and some delicious desserts. It was truely a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Laume said...

Did you see I stole your Joli eating burger pic, cropped it into amazing Kodak moment specialness, and posted it on FB? Haven't talked to you in ages. This afternoon. *puts hand to ears in phone shape and mouths "call me"*