Monday, March 9, 2009

Another Productive Day

We started out the day going to the gym. We got there a little early so I let Joli get in some playground time. This is usually something we do afterwards but since we had the time I figured why not. Joli was thrilled. She's gotten really good at one particularly tough clumber. She's a rock star!
She's is incredibly funny when she climbs up a tough structure, she tells me "Put your hand under my butt"!! So funny!
She's also super strong at holding onto the rings. I think she wants to prove how much she can be like daddy!
When we got home I decided to clean the floors. Joli thought it was awesome that all the chairs and the island were in the living room. She kept putting her animals up on the island and saying "You be safe here on the counter", then she would say "you want to go swimming?", and then she would throw them on the floor.
I had a horrible time getting Joli down for a nap. I usually take her blankie once she's asleep and wash it, but she usually wakes up shortly after and is upset and won't go back to sleep. So this time I gave her another blanket and said that her blankie would be clean when she woke up. Well an hour and a half and three blankets later, she finally fell asleep with me sitting in her doorway folding clothes.
Shortly after this some very stupid children were walking down the street with a tiny dog not on a leash. Now if this was the first time I would not have even noticed, but they do it about every other day and since almost every house on our street has at least one large dog, the whole street goes nuts. Well today their dog decided that our front yard would be the perfect place to run around. Of course Kota was freakin out and I was pissed off because Joli had just gone to sleep. I yelled at him a few times and went back to what I was doing. A few minutes later I see that the small dog has gone under the fence next door and that the kids can't get him back. At this point Kota was going completely insane. A few minutes later I hear the kids screaming and Kota chasing the small dog around the yard next door. Just as I made it outside the little dog is scrambling back under the fence and Kota comes running over to our fence like "Oh hi mom". It was completely bizarre!
So after another hour or so Kota got to take a bathroom break before Joli and I got our stuff ready to go over to Chris and Kacie's. Joli insisted on wearing her sunglasses.
We went over to Chris and Kacie's because Charlotte got to come home today!!!
Here's the happy family using their webcam to show off their new baby girl!
Kacie insisted she didn't look good enough for pictures but I think looks like a beautiful glowing new mommy!
Charlotte of course always looks gorgeous in pictures!
I got to hold the little bundle for a little while tonight. First day home is always somewhat chaos and I'm sure my little munchkin only added to it. But we had a good time just the same. Joli has been talking for three days about how much she wanted to see Charlotte. She came in, looked at her, gave her a hug and a kiss, and then asked to put on her movie. Yep, she's two. Here's Charlotte while I had her, all snuggled up.
I still can't get over how little she is compared to my hand. I feel like a giant!
Joli was so excited to see all of Kacie's stuffed animals that her mom brought, although getting her away from the movie was difficult. At home she's not allowed to watch movies all evening but she loves going to their house because as long as she's good we'll let her watch.
I had to catch this picture of the adorable little baby butt!! Such a sweet baby!
Here is proud daddy with what I call his pregnant belly. Charlotte was a little fussy once dinner was ready so Chris got her wrapped up in the moby wrap and kept her all swaddled all of dinner. Once dinner was over he laid down with his little girl.
It was a nice evening and I'm sure the whole family is happy to be home and in their own beds! I know I'm happy to be in mine! Good night!

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