Monday, March 16, 2009

In Her Sleep

I know I should be asleep right now, but all I am doing is laughing hysterically. In the beginning of mine and Joe's relationship he woke me up a few times talking in his sleep. There were a few memorable and hysterical moments. One of my favorites was shortly before he left for boot camp, and he started yelling at me to "Get on the boat!". Of course I had no clue what he was talking about and after he yelled it about three times I finally said "I'm on the boat, I'm on the boat", and then he went back to sleep. Well it appears that Joli has gotten yet another trait from her daddy. She came and got in bed with me not too long ago and of course I was sucked into a book and not sleeping. After she had been asleep for awhile I nearly jumped out of my skin when she said "Good bye Mommy, Grammi's here now". Of course I realized she was dreaming and couldn't stop laughing. Then less then ten minutes later she said "I want green cake!" several times, and then rolled over and went back to sleep. I have to say there never is a dull moment around here!


Anonymous said...

that is awesome

Laume said...

How do you like that - I'm babysitting from 600 miles away! I don't have a clue about the green cake though. I'll have to work on a recipe.