Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Painting is Finished!!!!

Today mostly included painting. I started out by touching up what has been messed up in the past few months. Then I moved on to taping off both the hallways. Once Joli went down for her nap I was brave enough to start painting the hall in front of her room, but there was so much trim work she was up before I could get it all finished. So I made her stay in her room until I was done. It didn't take too long so she didn't seem to mind too much. Here is her hallway before.
And here it is once I was done!!
After I finished that hallway, I moved on to the hallway in front of mine and Joe's room. This is what it looked like before hand.
This is what it looked like when I was finally done! By the way (Pam), I hate ceilings! We had an insane substitute in my yoga class yesterday who was slightly confused on the difference between yoga and aerobics! So today my arms were killing me and painting the celings totally sucked!!!
Joli thought it was a great day. Here she is at 8:00pm, and those are the pjs she wore last night! She didn't care, and since we didn't leave the house all day, I didn't see the point in dirtying up another outfit, so we both wore sweats all day!
I'm so excited to finally be done with all the painting! I'd still would like to do the laundry room at some point, but since that requires moving the washer and dryer I think I'll wait til there's a man around!

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