Sunday, March 29, 2009

Winds of Fury

We decided to take a little trip out to the mountains today. Mostly to let Kota run around but also to enjoy the great outdoors. Unfortunately we weren't quite prepared for what the great outdoors had in store for us. By the time we got up the mountain the wind was threatening to blow us off the road and even in the little campground we stopped in it was still insane. In an attempt to stay warm we all huddled together at the picnic table.
Kota loved being out of his yard. There was another dog around so he wasn't able to run around off the leash too often, but he still loved it.
I tried to make an effort to play with Joli as much as possible despite the cold. I showed her how much fun it can be walking on fallen trees.
Every five minutes or so we would head back over to the cars to visit Kacie who was keeping Charlotte warm and out of the wind. It was a nice little break to rewarm ourselves.
Chris decided he wanted to collect some pinecones and Joli thought this was a great idea.
I'm not sure what the exact purpose of this game was besides "keep Joli occupied".
I'm going to come up with a game like this at home called "find the toys and put them in the bucket"!
Here's Charlotte after being fed and changed. Doesn't she look nice and toasty warm!?!?
Joli loves all things lady bug, but she rarely gets to see live ones. So today I showed her how nice lady bugs really are. She still wouldn't touch it though.
After about an hour we were all chilled to our bones and Kota was actually showing signs of exaustion. So we decided to give him one last run before we headed home. Joe and Joli hung out and watched.
It was a nice afternoon and hopefully we'll be able to go up and camp once it's warmer!

1 comment:

Laume said...

It doesn't LOOK windy!