Although Joli and I are still upset that Joe is not here, it has been easier being able to talk to him whenever we want. Since he has a fancy new phone now as well, he's been able to send me pictures of his trip. So today's blog is all the pictures he has sent me in the past week. This picture Joe took on the way to his school from the airport. He said he took it because he knew I would love the green fields and he was right!

This weekend Joe and the other guys he is at his school with decided to take a weekend trip up to New York City since one of the guys is from there. Since they had to drive most of the day they didn't get there until midnight. Here is a picture of one of the first things Joe saw. He sent this and then called me not long after to say he was standing at the bottom of the Empire State Building! Ugh, I'm so green with jealousy! *pout, pout*

While in New York City Joe stayed at a hotel for military, which he described as "it's a place to stay". I think that means there wasn't much to it, but it was cheap and that was the part I liked!

This is a picture of the New York City Stock Exchange. Have I mentioned yet how jealous I am that I didn't get to go?!?

Here is the Federal Building. Joe said this is where George Washington was inaugurated as our first president. I sooooo want to go!

This is my FAVORITE picture and I want to be there so bad! This is the New York City Library! Joe said he got to see one of the first books ever written! What an awesome piece of history.

This is a picture of one of the oldest churches in New York City. I don't think they went in, but the architecture is beautiful!!

Here is a cool picture of the Brooklyn Bridge! Isn't this the bridge that some dinosour or giant creature is always climbing on the movies?

Apparently Joe saw a lot more but these were the only things he was able to get good pictures of. Next time I want to go to the school and Joe can stay home with the child that flips a complete 180 in her behavior when he leaves! So jealous!
Hi Lisa, Well... when you, Joli and mom go to Paris next year, the three of you can stop over in New York! love, papa
I know you're jealous now but just remember, you're going to Paris. Start saving, a few dollars a day should do it.
Joe took great pictures! I can hardly wait to hear all about his trip.
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