Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Tea

I was so looking forward to today because we got to go to the Tea Room!! I mean, yay I'm a mother, woo-hoo! But really I'm more excited that there's tea and little sandwiches and cookies!!! Ya-hooo!!!! Joli and I dressed up in cute dresses.
Joli was just totally stoked that there was tea!
I had a hard time getting cute pictures of Joli because she was sitting next to me.
Here we are together.
Joli was all about taking pictures again, here's it one that she wanted to be in.
We all got little flowers with our meals and here is Joli with one that she didn't tear up.
We decided to walk to the Tea Room so on the way back we walked by a farm with cows and horse. The farm owner happened to be feeding them and was nice enough to let Joli pet them. She was thrilled. When we got back it was time to swing and take pictures in her beautiful dress.
I love this dress. Any excuse to put it on her works for me!
Now hopefully we'll get some rest and have another wonderful day!


kacie said...

Oooo I love the ones of Joli on the swing! She looks so big!

debi9kids said...

How absolutely lovely! What a PERFECT day with your beautiful girlie!!!

PS Please email me. I have something important to tell you about the Tuesday Blog Party.
