Saturday, June 20, 2009

Grandpa Pat's

This evening was spent driving until we finally made it up to see my family. Joli was thrilled to have her Aunties to play with!
Joe was excited to play x-box again, since his broke while he was in Iraq!
Once it got late I tried to settle Joli down with a movie, and it worked... for awhile.
The adults decided to set up the game Rock Band in the living room and they all jammed for awhile.
Brody had a very busy day. It was his first experience hiking, riding a long distance in the car, and meeting other dogs. He still loves us the most though!
One of our original babies, Sampson, has been living at my families house since Christmas. He loves their other cats that are about the same size as he is, and he is HUGE!!
It was nice have time to hang out and see my family and not feel rushed!

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