Saturday, June 27, 2009

To the Beach!

It was such a nice beautiful day today and Joe had the idea to go to the beach! Since he usually doesn't want to go we were very excited!
Joli decided to help in getting herself ready to go.
Here is Joli heading to the car. Her head is very well protected!
We weren't the only ones that thought the beach was a good idea, but since we were on base it wasn't too packed. Brody still isn't quite sure why we have to do so many outdoor things, but he's getting used to it.
Joli loves the beach, or maybe just the sand. She's not too fond of the water, but the sand doesn't seem to bother her all that much.
Since Joe was going out into the water Joli thought she might be safe with him. She got about up to her knees and then decided that was enough, he either needed to hold her or she was going back!
I don't really have any pictures of Brianna because she was boogie boarding so far out the camera couldn't catch her! She said she had a good time and I that's what matters. I enjoyed laying on the blanket next to my sleeping puppy!

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