Sunday, December 5, 2010

Joli's Birthday

Joli was the last one to get out of bed this morning so Markus and I took a shower. Afterward I had the brilliant idea that I might use his bat towel as one of his costumes for the faerie festival! He makes such a cute little bat!
Since Joli's birthday is tomorrow my mom came down to bring Joli her birthday presents and celebrate with her. We went and got her a little cupcake at the bakery.
And sang to her.
Markus was wondering where his cupcake was.
This morning we had gone to get some veggies for her party next weekend and since Joli loves "trees", we got a whole bunch!
After we finished lunch and Joli ate her cupcake, we went into the living room so she could open presents.
She was so excited about her chair from GG.
It is perfect size for her.
She opened an awesome book from GG too.
Grandpa Pat got her a Yahtzee game.
And a Belle Barbie.
Also a Toy Story book that has all three stories on a CD. She listened to all three before dinner!
I got her some more cowboy stuff and she thought Markus should wear them.
He makes an adorable cowboy.

The kids also opened up their Christmas presents. Markus loved the paper.
GG got Joli "Thing One" from "The Cat in the Hat", and Markus "The Grinch". Joli spent the whole evening trading back and forth with Markus, but he really liked eating the hair on "Thing One".

Grandpa Pat got Joli a talking princess kitchen for Christmas and she was beyond excited! I've never had so much fake cookies and muffins in my life!
My mom had to head home because she works in the morning so after Markus' nap the kids and all sat on the living room floor and played Yahtzee. Markus had a little dinner while Joli and I set up the game.
Markus thought it was so funny watching us shake the dice.
This is the new toy Markus got from Grandpa Pat. He thinks it's so cool, and when he gets bored with one part we just turn it to another. Joli had fun playing with it too!

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