Thursday, December 9, 2010

Traveling, Cupcakes, and a Surprise!

On Tuesday we began our journey up the west coast. I've been wanting In N Out burger for WEEKS and since I knew where the was one about halfway (perfect stopping point), we stopped in for dinner.
Joli didn't want her picture taken.... too bad!
We finally made it to Jessica's in time to get to bed. When we woke up she was making pancakes and working on cupcakes!! Joli was excited to celebrate her birthday some more!
Jessica was trying to encourage the cowgirl theme and got Joli some horses for her birthday.

Jess also got Joli a box of dress up clothes. As usual, the princess clothes won!
Cole loved his daddy pillow!
Braden was asleep but he got one too.
Markus is starting to get good at opening presents.
He loves clothes! (Charlotte)
After saying goodbye to Jess and the boys, we headed on to Sam's house for his surprise birthday party. Markus was glad to see some testosterone.
He watched some racing.
Then played on the floor.
And entertained everyone.
Then Berkley woke up and they were so excited to see some one their size!
Kissing cousins is okay at this age.... right?

Berkley's grandpa was there.
Joli just couldn't wait for someone to come over for her to play with.
Grammi and Papa came too!
It was so nice to have a grown up to talk to!
Sam was pretty much beyond shocked!

What a perfect little hostess!

The babies were a little hungry, so we volunteered Krista.

I really enjoyed the cupcakes.

Joli was just amazing at backflips! Every time we would all think she was going to land on her head, she'd land just right! Joli made a great new friend who wanted to do all the things she wanted to do.
Since Joe always wants to talk to Sam online, we got him and Ashley a web cam to make it happen. They were pretty excited.

It was such an awesome birthday. Happy Birthday Sam!!

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