Saturday, December 25, 2010

Twas' the Night Before Christmas!

And we headed to Grandma Betty's! But not until after we moved our stuff to Aunt Karen's and then had some play time/nap.
Grandma hasn't been feeling too well so there were lots of helping hands at her house when we arrived. I pretty much dumped Markus in Cassidy's lap as I walked in.The girls all looked beautiful in their Christmas attire.

Dashing young men.
Uncle Roy (My dad's younger brother).
There was a lot of squealing and Barbie playing.
Plenty of laughter.
But the most exciting part was the food. Non of us could wait to get our hands on it!
The girls ate pretty well, but were still silly.
The grown-ups dug in!
I sat between children, but I had the most room and the most food around me!
After dinner was cleaned up we all went to play in the living room!
The girls asked about every three minutes when they could open their presents.
A fellow moment capturer.
Markus just wanted the paper.
Uncle Dan (dad's older brother).
That's hot.
Such a great shot of the whole family! The only one missing was grandma, who finally gave up and went to bed because she felt so bad. Poor grandma!
Laura had her wisdom teeth out two days before, but braved the pain and the weather to see us!
Chris and Cassaundra just love the babies! I see a few more in their future!
Markus thought grandma's cookies were pretty good. (I agree, I think I had five.)
Then we had the white elephant gift. Way to go Cassidy!
Markus will figure out that he's getting a bad deal pretty soon.

A sweet daddy/daughter moment.
We had such a great time seeing the whole family. I got an awesome gift from Uncle Dan that was a car/tool/cleaning caddy and he filled it with all kinds of gorilla glue, a flashlight and dog bones. I'm already using the caddy and the flashlight! What a wonderful Christmas! We miss everyone already!


Laume said...

That group shot is absolutely astounding - everyone looks great, no one is closed eyed or being goofy or looking the wrong way. Truly a Christmas Miracle! Single photos though are somewhat disturbing - there's one of a little blonde girl with a stove pipe growing out of her head and another of a guy with leaves for hair. LOL

Anonymous said...

That was an awesome Christmas Eve indeed! Love the shot of the whole fam and can't wait to take another with Grandma in it!! Love you guys!~Laura