Saturday, December 18, 2010

Slumber Party

Tonight Uncle Doug and Aunt Peg's kids and their families came to spend the night! Markus and Joli were super excited that everyone was coming!

Once everyone was here we realized that there were six kids in the house and Joli was the oldest! Markus had a great time just sitting and watching!
Joli is such a great big sister and even played with sweet little Jorie!
Markus found the best part of the fire truck.
Joli soon realized that the other kids were much younger than her and weren't quite able to do the things she could. This was her best "hold me, love me, play with me" face.
Jorie had a very sweet Minnie Mouse doll that Joli liked. Thanks Joli.
Then someone had the idea of trying to take a picture of all the kids together. The best I can say is that at least they were all in most of them.

Markus just could not figure out what was going on.
My cousin, Shane, got a picture with his niece and his daughter.
There was also a quick family shot while the two kids would hold still.
Then everyone else's good little children went to bed and I attempted to put mine to bed. Since the twins had cried and had such a hard time going to sleep, I wanted to make sure Markus didn't start screaming and wake them up. This meant that he ended up playing on the floor for awhile.
Joli had taken a nap this afternoon, and while normally she would have laid down and fallen asleep with us sitting quietly in the room, she just was not tired. She proceeded to talk and move around on the bed for almost three hours. Eventually I sat in the corner with my book and ignored them both while they played.
Markus has decided that he is much bigger than we think he is, and that he can pull himself up on things. He pulled himself up into the doll house several times to get the things he wanted, until one time he forgot and let go, only to crash face first into the doll house. Poor little guy has his first fat lip.
But as usual, he only let it get him down for a second.
I think he thought his sister was going to catch him chewing on her dolls and furniture.
Now that it's after midnight and both my kids JUST fell asleep, I'm going to bed. Good night!

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