Friday, October 22, 2010

Bate's Nut Farm

Last year we started a little tradition of going up to a huge pumpkin farm with our friends. So Abby and I decided that since today had the least chance of rain we should go. Of course it was raining when we woke up. Buy only just a little, so we put on our warm clothes and got ready for a fun day on the farm! Markus did not want to wait while I got things ready.

Joli just got a new shirt and I convinced her that I was Halloweenish because it has skulls on it. I love it!
Joli has become such a great big sister and wants to help with Markus whenever she can. So she entertained the little man while I packed the diaper bag (which I forgot to put diapers in!).When we go to the farm the kids were all excited to ride the ponies and headed straight for them. They soon realized that ponies poop too.
But they got over to get to ride on the cute little things. Markus wasn't quite sure what they were. The biggest animal he's ever seen is Brody!
Joli told me that now she's a real cowgirl like Jessie.
Lilly liked the pony ride most of all. She was giggling and laughing the whole time!

Lilly liked it so much she didn't want to get off. She cried all the way to the corn maze and then pouted through it.
Syrus and Joli wanted to be the fastest through the corn maze, but off course we couldn't see their little heads and kept having to make them stop and wait for us.
We took a little break to have a snack and then tried to find a way to the pumpkins without passing the ponies again. We came across a bunch of hay bails and the kids had a great time on them.
There was a pretty cool scarecrow.

We also found some animals while on our journey.
The kids found some corn on the ground and where excited to see that the animals liked it. They spent a long time picking up the corn and giving it to the sheep.
I don't think any of them had seen a donkey before and they were all very curious.
Finally we made it to the big pumpkin field.

Markus was asleep but we tried to take a nice little family picture anyway.
Joli and Syrus decided to pick some corn, but were very disappointed to see that it wasn't ready to eat. Syrus' even had worms in it!
There were piles of small pumpkins for people to buy, which also made for great pictures.

The kids climbed and climbed on the pumpkins. I think maybe we'll stop paying for gymnastics and just get a pile of pumpkins!!
Lilly wanted to hold Markus and she tried really hard. She just loves that he's an "itty bitty baby". While they were sitting together Joli said "See, I TOLD you they were going to get married!", she's so funny!

Markus still thinks pumpkins are crazy things. If only he could grab one!
I spent a long time trying to get Markus to look at me and smiles, but he was so enamored with the pumpkins, he wouldn't look up!
Now this game is much like "Where's Waldo?", it's called "Where's Markus?".
Joli wanted to try out all the cutouts. She looked pretty cute in this one.
I found some really cool white pumpkins and wanted to get a picture of Markus in them, but he was pretty much done posing for pictures.
So we found a wheel burrow for the kids. Next time I think I'm going to get four kids to look at the camera and smile, someone remind me of this.

Then Abby pushed the three bigger ones over to the hay ride. While we did that, Abby and I reminisced about last year when I was pushing Joli in the wheel burrow and she and Kacie were yelling at me because we had just found out I was pregnant! Maybe next year I'll be the pusher!

When we got on the hay ride I think the kids took a vote and decided that they were done smiling for pictures for the day. Oh well.
Abby bought Syrus and Lilly little pumpkins while were were in the pumpkin patch. Of course Syrus wasn't paying attention and his fell out of our trailer.
Joli felt very bad for him and even tried to sweetly convince him that we could go get him a new one (which is very unlike her!).
But Syrus just could not be consoled and spent most of the rest of the ride in tears.
Lilly was quiet and thoughtful as always.
After the hay ride we sat down for another snack and that seemed to make everyone happy.

This is Markus' "coo" face. He's telling me something very important in this picture, if only I knew what it was.
I wore my best Halloween outfit for our outing. Black is Halloween, right?
After our snack Markus and I were pretty tired and Joli was doing her best to convince me that she wasn't tired (through her tears), so we packed up to head home. Since Joli is "a big girl", she has been insistant on strapping herself into her car seat for the past week or so. Unfortunately it's not an easy task and usually has to be talked through it.
Markus misses his daddy, but luckily he's able to see him everyday.
Poor little guy had hat head on the way home.
Both the kids slept all the way home and were in great moods once we got here.
Such a nice day! Cannot wait to go to sleep!

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