Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Non-Napping House

Today was bath day and Markus got to take his first bath in the sink!

He was a very happy boy after a good nights sleep.
Joli has been talking about swinging on the swing for a week now!
The puppies were not quite sure why Papa was over by the swing and not sitting with them.
After a little nap, Markus woke up ready to play again.

We wanted to get some exercise, so we set out to take a walk and had a quite swing on the way out.

We walked down to the river and Joli played for awhile.
Markus watched Joli and tried to play with her.
On our way back Joli wanted to throw some rocks off the bridge into the water.
Once we got back to the house we had a little snack. Markus tried some banana, which he did NOT like.
But he oddly enjoyed some grapefruit.
Then it was time for another little nap.
Grammi broke out the beenie babies much to Joli's delight!
Markus also enjoyed the beenie babies.
While we were playing Joe got online, so he and Markus had a little chat.
One of Markus' new favorite toys, along with spoons.
Before bedtime we watched Harry Potter. Joli has asked about it several times and we've read some of the book, but it really is quite long for such a small girl. So we watched the movie. She definitely enjoyed it.
Now off to bed!

1 comment:

kacie said...

Umm.. are you turning into me? Every pictures Markus has a new outfit!!! I'm sure that's just because he is so drooly, but I love looking at his wardrobe! Miss you.