Friday, October 8, 2010

Disney On Ice

A few weeks ago Abby saw something about Disney On Ice coming to town and of course we wanted to take the kids! I didn't tell Joli about it until yesterday because I knew she would ask me about it every ten minutes until it was time to go! So when we got up this morning she was very excited. And since every one else was in a good mood, Markus was too!
Joli was so excited to see the princesses. She's been playing dress up for two days!
I was beginning to feel a little frumpy from not wearing any make up for so long. So I made myself pretty for the show.
In an attempt to keep from buying a bunch of junk food, we snuck in some healthy stuff.

Both Syrus and Lilly had a great time!
The show was so cool!
Some of the pictures are a little fuzzy because we weren't really supposed to be using the flash.
The show started with The Lion King.

Markus woke up not too long after we got there and was completely mesmerized!

The next part of the show was The Little Mermaid. Joli just about fell out of her seat!

Every once in awhile I turned on the flash to try and get a few good pictures.
The next part of the show was Lilo and Stitch. Lilly was so excited about the "mouse".

The final part of the show was Peter Pan.
Syrus was very into Tinkerbell!

There was a point when Tinkerbell was standing near the edge of the ice and Joli shouted "hello" to her. When Tinkerbell turned around and waved at her, it basically made her entire day!

The show was almost two hours long and Joli and Syrus were still bummed when it was over!
I bought a little thing of popcorn for all of us to share and Syrus and Joli were so excited!
Markus was so good the whole time! I think he really enjoyed the show.
We told the kids that we couldn't get a toy until the show was over. They were so excited to pick out their toy. Joli wanted another Ariel and Syrus was all about Tinkerbell
Lilly wanted to get her "mouse".
I know Markus won't remember but I got him a little toy too.
Markus thought his toy was so cool. He played with it for a long time.

We had such a great time!

1 comment:

Laume said...

More cute photos of adorable kids - all four of them! That crocodile was HUGE!!! Did the kids all scream "watch out!" when it came on the ice???