Sunday, October 24, 2010

LeAnh and Brian's Wedding

Last night the girls and I heading to see our friend LeAnh get married! Joli spent the night at Abby's house, so it was just me and my little date! Since he's such a handsome little thing, I agreed to share him with the girls. Tessa loved on him every chance she could get.

I have a feeling I've got a future ladies man on my hands! Markus was loving Robyn too!
Of course he couldn't leave Nikki out! She needs to hug a sweet baby and be reminded that the heartburn and the stretch marks are totally worth it!
We had so many good friends there!

I made sure I got my turn to love on my sweet baby!
So since I forgot to charge my camera batteries the night before, I switched to Tessa's camera! Here are the shots she and I took.

This was the girls table. The only male at our table was Markus!!! Almost everyone person at this table had a deployed spouse/fiance/boyfriend!

Danisa made sure to get her baby fix, and Markus just loved her! The only time he took a nap the whole night was in Danisa's arms!

Robyn was a bit emotional throughout the evening. I think she was thinking out her wedding that's coming soon!!
Jeanelle met Markus for the first time just a few nights ago, and of course he loved her!
Cass works with children all day everyday, but she just couldn't resist our sweet little boy.
Tessa and I let Markus taste a little bit of the mashed potatoes, he immediately made a nasty face. Apparently isn't wasn't as good as the taste of ice cream cake he had the other night!
Two very lucky men!

Father- Daughter dance.

Nikki and her mom helped out a ton before and during the wedding. They were both wiped out!

The bouquet was meant for Tessa, but a sweet little girl ended up with it. Looks like she better practice for Robyn's wedding!

The last dance of the night the bride and groom danced together for a few minutes, and then they shared their dance with all of us girls that were there alone.
It was such a beautiful wedding and we had such a fabulous time. Congratulations Brian and LeAnh!!

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