Wednesday, October 27, 2010

We Got Our Pumpkins!!

After finally making it to bed at 5:30 this morning, Markus decided that 8:30 was a good time to get up.
Everyone else slept another couple hours and we were excited to see them when they got up!
Once we were all dressed we set out to the pumpkin patch. We reminisced over the memories we've had there since Joli was little.
This is the first year that Joli's been old enough to go into the corn maze, so we all followed her in... and got lost.
Papa and I walked through the corn until we found our way out. Then played Marco/Polo until Grammi and Joli found their way out.
Papa was so relieved to be out of the corn and went and found a picnic bench to sit on.
We found a maze that was much more managable.

Markus got to play with some pumpkins again.

Then we picked out a wagon and headed out to the pumpkin fields.
Markus will get to ride next year. This year he cuddled with Grammi and I.

It's actually been incredible cold up here so I hid Markus in my sweater.

Once we picked out our pumpkins it was time for photos again.

Then we headed back to buy our pumpkins and make sure we did everything.

Joli has been a little irritating about looking at the camera for pictures.
Markus and I found something warm to snuggle in.
Then Papa remembered that we have a picture of him and Joli on the tractor when she was a baby, so we got another one.
There was an adorable black lab that was very interested in my little cup of chili. He made us miss our Brody puppy.
We took a few more pictures before we got ready to go.

Since it was almost 4:00 and we hadn't had lunch, we headed to the local chinese place. Markus was thinking that he needed a nap.
But he perked up a bit when they brought out some sorbet! He loved the spoon! He's getting a whole box for Christmas!
Joli loved the soup and the noodles and the chicken and the cashews. Pretty much she likes chinese food.
Markus was very happy after smearing sorbet all over his face.
Such a fun day. Now time for bed!!

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