Monday, October 18, 2010

Smiles and Screams

Markus had a rough night last night. I wish those teeth would come through already! He can be really smiley sometimes though.

Since it's been raining so much here, I thought maybe Joli needed her own umbrella. She loves it! I told her she could bring it to the Faerie Festival next year.

In case any of you have been wondering what I've been doing with my day...
Joli wanted to bring her umbrella into her bed with her, she made a little fort with her dolls.
Once Markus had a nap (or two), he was in a much better mood.
Joli is certainly a little diva. She was all about having her picture taken.

Since Markus had a bunch of fuzz between his toes, I figured it was a bath day. While I ran his bath, he played in Joli's room.
She loves having him in her room. Of course I have to constantly remind her not to pick him up!

When I went to put Markus' jammies on, Joli insisted that they wear matching ones and that I take pictures. I'm so glad she likes her brother so much!

She thought it was pretty cool that she could hold on to him and he would stand up.
We played a little dress up before bed. I did not do that!

Then it was time to read a bedtime story.

It was a nice day at home.

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