Monday, October 25, 2010

Trunk or Treat

Since we had such a late night last night, Markus pretty much slept most of the day. If only I had the luxury!
He's getting to be such a big boy!! He's actually starting to figure out the idea of sitting up! It'll be awhile before he really gets it, but it's a start!
Our Family Rediness Group had a Trunk or Treat party on base today. Since it was a little warm out I didn't want to put Markus in a hot costume, so he was just a little farmer boy.
Joli picked an outfit out of her dress-up clothes. She won best costume of all the kids!!

It really is a cute idea to Trunk or Treat.

This is our car. I wanted the other moms to see the stuff I have on my esty site, so I put my pillows and some business cards our, and I got a ton of interest!

This was my costume. I just threw together some faerie stuff I had at the last minute, and I won best adult costume!!!
Lilly loved Joli's broom.
Joli loved the cupcakes.

So did Lilly.

The pizza was yummy too.
There were some cute games.
The kids had a great time playing in grass afterward.

Abby got to play too!

Markus was slightly cranky unless he had undivided attention.

There was some duck, duck, goose.

It was a fun party. Joli and I spent the rest of the evening watching spooky movies and eating candy!

1 comment:

Laume said...

Was it her idea to bring her broom? LOL