Saturday, July 13, 2013

Cabrillo National Monument

After we left the cemetery we headed up the road to Cabrillo National Monument. I used to work less than a mile from it and had never been! It was a pretty gorgeous sight!

 We went and checked out the lighthouse. There was a lot of history to it, and we had a great time reading about it.
 We also had a great time looking at all the things growing in the garden!

 It was such an amazing view.
 I couldn't believe that a family actually gets to live in this house!

 There were a couple cute little creatures along our path.

 Joli didn't quite believe me that she shouldn't touch them.

 We had a lovely time and were incredibly exhausted once we got home. Joli decided she wanted to be a witch today, and went out in the yard to collect things to make a potion.

 She brought everything in, and she and Markus set to work on their potion. They're so silly!

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