We had to get up pretty early to get on the train to D.C., but the kids were pretty good most of the way. It helped that I had uploaded a bunch of Little Bear videos to my phone!
I also rented Monsters Inc. since we had just seen the new movie and the kids hadn't seen the first one in a few years. That last quite some time!
It gave me the opportunity to check out all the awesome scenery along the way. So many cool places that I'd love to explore!
Markus didn't make it halfway through the movie before he climbed into my lap.
Luckily I still had my picture taking hand free!
We arrived in Union Station and were in awe of it's size!
Markus love the "statues with their eyes closed".
After an interesting five minute cab ride to our hotel, we dropped off our stuff in the room and then hit the streets! It was only two blocks from our hotel to the capitol building!
We caught a cab and headed over to see the sights. The Washington monument was under construction, but it was still pretty amazing!
We walked in the direction of the Lincoln Memorial because that's what the kids wanted to see the most.
Along the way we passed the Vietnam Memorial. The kids had no interest in seeing it, but I had to stop and take a picture. It was simply amazing!

Luckily there was a family nice enough to take a picture of all three of us.
The kids literally ran up the steps to see Lincoln, I could barely keep up!
Another lovely passerby took a picture for us.
When we came out we had a perfect view of the Washington Monument.
All I could think of was Forrest Gump! Joli looked at me like I was nuts when I was telling her about it. We're going to have to watch it now.
We walked back towards the White House and passed the Korean War Memorial. Another thing the kids had no interest in, but I got a picture!
Joli has apparently seen Enchanted too many times, and tried to make a friend. Right after this I explained to her what rabies are!
The next thing we cam across was the World War II. I'd never even seen pictures of it, but I think it was my favorite thing that we saw!
The kids asked me what this said, and when I read it to them they stood there and listened to every word! The were thoroughly interested in what we were seeing! I love it!
Joli wanted to take some pictures and I was happy to be on the other side of the camera!
After a few more blocks (and quite a bit of coaching), we made it to the White House.
This was the best picture I could get of the three of us, people were quite busy taking their own pictures. But Markus was pretty pictured out by then anyway.
I was happy to see the White House kitchen garden. Wish I could have taken a stroll through and seen all that was planted!
I told the kids that we would start walking back towards the hotel until we found a taxi, luckily we came across quite a few more things before that happened!
I was very happy to find all the Smithsonian buildings. Someday I will go back and explore them all!
We were lucky enough to be there when this awesome festival was happening. There was all kinds of food and music from around the world!
When we came to this building there was a line of taxis in front of it, and since we were all tired, hungry, and covered in sweat, I figured it was time to head back to our hotel!
Once we got back, we showered, ordered room service and a movie, and climbed in bed. It was a fabulous evening!
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