Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day Seven - "Creatures of the Lake"

On Tuesday the 2nd of July, it was still a bit rainy, but very hot and muggy. So Chris set to work putting in an a/c unit in the bedroom. Markus was more than willing to measure and cut things with him!

After Caroline got up from her nap and Kacie once again put together a delicious picnic, we packed it all up and took it to the lake! There were tons of tadpoles, salamanders, and fish to capture the kids (and adults) attention.

Not sure what was happening in this picture, but I almost died laughing!

Shortly before we were ready to leave, Chris decided to swim out to the rope. Joli underestimated how cold the water was and attempted to follow him.
She didn't quite make it all the way out.
On the way back I was captivated by the beautiful scenery and the small town America feel.

We decided that since we'd already passed naptime, we would keep the kids up and do an early bedtime. They played for quite some time together when we got back to the house.

Chris was awesome and fed them all and got them in the bath while Kacie and I went to the grocery store. When we got back we put them all to bed and ate our dinner in peace! It was fantastic!

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